Zoom Worship Guidelines

We are glad to have you worship God with us today to encounter Him. To ensure an orderly worship encounter, kindly familiarize yourself with the following Zoom fellowship guidelines.

    1. Join us 10 minutes before meeting starts to ensure you are settled and ready to encounter God.
    2. All participants are required to have their video turned on – make sure you dress up as we want to see you!
    3. Mute yourself – only unmute when needed.
    4. No eating – let’s feast on the word of God.
    5. Be prepared – bible, notebook, bottle of water, tissues so as to limit unnecessary movement.
    6. Use the chat box option (on the platform) to privately text Pastor in cases of emergency or just general questions pertaining to the discussion. Alternatively, raise your hand if you want to say something
    7. Come expectant, come with your flame!

    Enjoy God’s Word in His Presence,
    Pastor’s Paulo and Melissa Porfirio